Monday, November 5, 2012

Decision Day 121105

Decision Day

The Iowa Caucuses are now ten months in the rear view mirror.  It is over nine months since Minnesotans caucused.  Election Day has arrived.  Campaign commercials and polls are about to morph into election results, concession speeches and euphoric victory celebrations.

When talking politics, the “water cooler” buzz tends to revolve around the presidential race and the occasional interesting U.S. House or Senate race.  But on this Election eve I’d like to share a little bit about the State Legislature.

Politicians, pundits and ink-stained wretches have a way of getting caught up in policy minutia and details.  But when we go to the polls we have a binary choice (except in the rare case when a 3rd party candidate is viable).  And the choice is as follows: vote for the person who believes in economic freedom, liberty and limited government; or, vote for the person who believes that such a system produces inequities that require wealth redistribution, micromanagement of people’s affairs and large government bureaucracies.

I spent the last two years in the Minnesota Senate fighting for economic liberty and freedom from oppressive government.  Governor Mark Dayton and his DFL allies have a very different view.  They are fundamentally suspicious of the free market system and believe government must routinely intervene to prevent outcomes that don’t suit them for one reason or another.  This is not the political philosophy that has guided America to greatness.  We have built the greatest economic engine known to man by allowing individuals to work hard and benefit from the fruits of their labors.  This approach works for individual states as well as the country as a whole.

Wisconsin, Indiana, and other states have chosen the path of limited government and reliance on free markets.  They have reduced taxes, streamlined the bureaucracy, and lessened the influence of powerful interest groups.  These states are seeing the results.  Their economies are growing, employment is increasing, and businesses are starting and prospering.  Conversely, Illinois, California and other big government states are spending irresponsibly, running up big projected deficits, stifling economic growth.  Unemployment remains high, and pressure is put on social programs.

Governor Dayton and his DFL allies want to take us the way of the big government states.  A Republican legislature is the only firewall between you and a bigger government Minnesota that will not serve you or your children well.  I have worked on many campaigns during this election cycle, and have watched my colleagues work from dawn to dusk.  We have done all we can do.  Now it is up to you.

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